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Just Do It

Why is it so scary to take a leap of faith? Well, for starters, it’s the unknown and stepping outside of our comfort zone can make us feel anxious. But the truth is, stepping out of our comfort zone is where the magic happens. 


When we push ourselves to do something that scares us, we’re opening ourselves up to new opportunities and growth. What if we told you that your big break is on the other side of fear? Think about it this way: if you never tried something new, you’d never know what you’re capable of. Imagine a world where everyone stayed in their comfort zones all the time. 


There would be no life-changing technology, no online learning, and no Trace TV. But, because people stepped out of their comfort zones, we have all these cool experiences to enjoy. So, the next time you’re faced with something that scares you, remember that the fear is just a sign that you’re about to do something incredible. Embrace it, take a deep breath, and in Nike’s famous words: Just Do It! 


Keep shining,  

Trace Academia Team



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